
Gabrielle's specialy is Volleyball. She is a freshman on a JV squad. We were able to see one of her games. Which is exactly what we were hoping to do on this visit.

Most of the foods are just too hot for me. The sissy sauce was peferct. I've never eat so much over the period of one weekend. MOO!

vacation time

We were missing our family out in New Mexico so we decided to take a long weekend trip to spend time with them. We also had the added bonus of the Albuquerque balloon festival.

girl power

This is my neice, isn't she fierce and beautiful.
Girls rule!!

my love affair with velvet.

I am so in love with this coat. yes, I know I live in florida. Yet, I can see my self planning trips to New York and Paris just so I can wear this cute little coat. Then I can save it as my little old lady coat to wear in 20 years or so.